Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Newbie Driver

That's me!! I passed the driving test and got my driver's license yesterday! Yippee! First thing first, I want to thank my hubby for being such a patient instructor, for putting up with the scratches I added to his new car, for trusting my driving skills with his life :) 

In the US, people don't need to go to driving school to prepare for a driver's license - unlike China. After passing knowledge test, you can apply for Instruction Permit, which works as an ID card (you can travel domestically with it) and allows you to drive within the State with an experienced driver (over 5 years) sitting in the front seat.  How cool is that! 

You can then schedule a driving test - road test. Make sure to schedule it early, because waiting period is usually over 1 month. After around 25 hours of driving practice between Bellevue and Seattle, I was ready for the test.

I did my driving test at Bellevue DMV. The driving route is from 132nd Ave. NE - NE 8th St. - 126th Ave. - Parallel parking between two cars there & backing up from a corner there too - NE 2nd St. - 124th Ave. - Bel-Red - back to the DMV office. It took only 20 minutes in total.

I got deducted points from hitting the curb while parallel parking, driving too slowly :), turning a bit little too wide... but no violation of laws or dangerous actions. Just like that, I passed. 

Time to think about what kind of car to drive. Any suggestions? 

1 comment:

  1. What kind of car did you get? For first vehicles, the best way to go is to pick a vehicle that's easy to handle. Nothing too expensive; just something that can keep you safe as you slowly get the hang of driving.

    -Erwin Calverley
